Monday, September 17, 2012

Things Husbands Should Know

I moved in with my husband in the year 2000. I haven't changed much. I still do pretty much all the same things the same way as I always have, the way I was taught or the way I decided was best for me.

That being said, after 12 years there are things my husband should know.

1. If you leave your empty shampoo bottle in the shower, I will assume you still have shampoo and won't buy you anymore. Do not use m shampoo. It causes an imbalance in my shampoo to conditioner ratio and seriously pisses me off.

2.  When I tell you I want a sald for dinner, don't suggest we go to a pizza place. Pizza place salads are iceberg with a few tomato slices and some bottle dressing. I could make that shit at home. I want a SALAD, with meat and lots of goodies.

3. Things break in our house. If I ask you to fix them, don't wait six weeks. After the second week of it being broken I'm going to be pissed, by the fourth week I'm livid. When you ask for my help in week six I'm so pissed off I'll most likely snap at you and tell you to fucking hire someone to fix it if you can't do it by yourself. However, if you had asked for my help during week one through three, I might have assisted. You fucked yourself buddy.

4. Items placed on the staircase are to be brought upstairs on your next trek up. Items left at the top of the stairs are to be taken down when you go downstairs next. I will notice if you walk past them and be salty.

5. Car maintenance is not my job. Neither is trash or gross insect removal. If I'd wanted to handle that shit I would have stayed single.

6. Don't talk to me while I'm reading. I know I read all the time. Still don't talk to me while i'm reading.

I have a million more but these are a nice start.


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