Saturday, October 6, 2012

Do You Want Me to Wrap Them?

Today is the husband's birthday. He's 37 and acts 17.

We spent the night at the new resort and Casino a few towns over for free. Free parking, free hotel room and free "sky's the limit" dinner at the Steakhouse. It pays to work for a hotel chain and have friends! After dinner we went back to the room to get ready to go gambling and as we're known to do on occassion we passed out cold and missed the entire evening of gambling. Oh, well. More money in our pockets, right?

The kiddos stayed with the Grampire (aka Grammy) and were exhausted when we picked them up this morning.

Due to the amount of laziness I have in my body, I did order/buy presents for the hubster. I just hadn't wrapped them. Or bought a cake. Or a bought a card. Or really done anything "birthdayish" for him. I had grandiose plans and then the bank statement was available and I realized I couldn't afford to do anything other than use some old recycled gift bags and construction paper cards.

So to get to the point of this rambling mess.... On the ride home with the kids I say to the husband, "Hey. I have some gifts for you but I didn't wrap them. Do you want me to wrap them or do you not care?". Apparently, you aren't supposed to put people on the spot like that and he wasn't thrilled with me. I responded that I don't care if my gifts are wrapped and I don't mind wrapping his gifts. But, if he didn't care I wasn't going to.

Seemed reasonable to me.

The conclusion. Next time, I'll wrap the gifts and avoid the conversation. Gift wrap seems so wasteful but I suppose I could have thrown them into a bag or something. The Amazon box seemed like good enough wrapping to me. < shrugging shoulders >